Sunday, March 25, 2007

My favorite movie!

He knocks all the movies off until he finds the Mickey Mouse one- it's the one he found on the above post! Too funny! Got a little sour face from my Apple Jacks! Posted by Picasa

Trying to get a little more muscle! These are my jammies that Jim, Karen and the kids got me for my birthday! Pretty cute!
Working out!
 Posted by Picasa
We went out to see Grandma Great today and all I wanted to do was climb the stairs- My Daddy blocked me off and I was not happy about it!
Pretty girls in their pink dresses- see the little one in the background still trying to get up the stairs!
Kady telling Grandma Great a good story!
Lainey went to bed last night and kept coming out telling me she was too hot "on her neck". We changed a few times and finally, when I went back to bed, this was how I found her with the light on!! Posted by Picasa
Up and down the stair today- if you look close you can see him playing with the paint brush and the candle lighter!
Brady and Kady- this didn't last but a second!
Brady waving!
Someone let me outside to play!! Posted by Picasa
Daddy taking care of Grandma Great's lawn!
Pretty Girls all in PINK!
Taking time to stop and smell the flowers!
Cute little Kady! Posted by Picasa
Still trying to figure out where Muffi went!
Grandma had the tough job of keeping track of Brady outside!

Takin a little walk with Grandma! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Getting into a little bind!

He loves carrying these balls around! Posted by Picasa
Getting help with my presents from Lay-Lay
I love my blankie from Lay-Lay

Such a big boy! I can't believe he is ONE today- What a sweetie! Posted by Picasa
Brady's very first Birthday Cake- pretty cute!

This was his reaction to his Mickey Mouse birthday card from Grandma and Grandpa J- he loves Mickey!
Sweet baby Brady opening his presents birthday morning! Posted by Picasa
Uncle Josh!
Emmy, Aunt Meg and Brooks enjoying some cake and ice cream!
Grandpa Jahnke helping Kady with her cake!
Sweet Lainey in her Green for St "pakricks" and ready for Brady's bday party! Posted by Picasa

Lexy and Grandma Foster!
Great Grandma Brockway, Mema (Nemo) Howard and Great Grandpa B
Grandpa Foster and Great Grandma Smith! Posted by Picasa