Sunday, September 25, 2005

Remember before you scroll any further that im the good dog! Posted by Picasa

Caption is below! Posted by Picasa

See how clean and pretty I am! Well wait until the next picture! Posted by Picasa

Ummm... you may not believe this because Im sooo smart, but something snuck up on me and pushed me into the pond. DANG RABBITS! Posted by Picasa

What... the dirt sticks to you when your wet? Posted by Picasa

Quit lookin at me. Posted by Picasa

Yeah I know Im not that brite. Posted by Picasa

Lainey and mommy cuddeling! Posted by Picasa

Look dad another Precious Moments to add to my collection from grandma great! Posted by Picasa

Yeah that is the card I got from my great g-ma too! Posted by Picasa

Is this suppost to rip apart from the page? It's so pretty though mommy. DANG BOOK. Posted by Picasa

These rainbow books are the best! Posted by Picasa

My new book great g-ma J gave me! Posted by Picasa

Umm.. a whole lotta kids I don't know! Posted by Picasa

Lainey and her new best friend (name is unknown at this time) they are two peas in a pod! lol Posted by Picasa

I promise dad we'll take a nap as soon as you leave! Posted by Picasa

Emmy and Lainey playin possum in Woodbine Posted by Picasa

Lainey and her girls on the way to great g-ma Jahnkes get together! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Someone had a really big day today! Posted by Picasa

LMH....already 2yrs. today. Posted by Picasa

BIG BLOW! Posted by Picasa

My awesome birthday cake that mom got for me! I love Elmo! Posted by Picasa

I can't seem to get away from you and that dang camera today dad. What a cutie. Posted by Picasa

MILES....get outside NOW! Posted by Picasa

Finally I can clean this nasty old house when I want to! Posted by Picasa